Lose Weight Quick - Advice On Rapid Weight Loss

Of course it is an attractive prospect to lose weight quick when you have resolved to go on a diet or slimming plan, but you need to be careful about some of the systems available that promise very quick weight loss. If you follow some courses of action you can lose weight quick, but this can have dangerous side effects if you are not careful.
If a diet promises that you will lose more than two or three pounds a week you should be very cautious, because that is the safe limit. It is possible to lose weight faster, but you should really only do this under a doctor's advice. Very low calorie diets are sometimes used to achieve quick weight loss in very obese people, but this is a controlled process carried out under medical guidance...

Possible side effects you may suffer by losing weight too quickly with an extreme diet are dehydration, leading to constipation, headaches and nausea. There is also an increased risk of some more serious ailments including the development of gall stones.
Another common result of rapid and substantial weight loss can be excess loose skin. This can be extremely unsightly and distressing and many people with this problem end up having surgery to correct it. You can help avoid this type of effect by making regular exercise a part of your plan to lose weight quick. Exercise workouts are often a thing to strike fear into the heart of anyone who is not used to it, but it need not be such a terrible thing. 
The reason you need to exercise is to increase the calories your body burns in order to lose weight more effectively, but also to keep your body toned and firm. You should not go overboard on trying to do too much exercise too soon. If you have done nothing previously, just start out by doing a bit more walking, even if it is just taking the stairs instead of the elevator when you can. Gradually build up so that you are always pushing your body slightly more, but do not run before you can walk (literally!).
Only by making changes to your lifestyle that you are happy to adopt on a permanent basis can you ever hope to lose weight steadily and then keep it off. Your diet and your exercise program should not be extreme, but should be introduced as gradual changes that are manageable without radically changing your way of life. This is why faddy and extreme diets fail in the long run; because they offer nothing in terms of changing your ongoing habits and lifestyle.
Find out more about how to lose weight quick on the author's Diet UK website, which offers free advice on diet plans, healthy food options, slimming recipes, weight loss groups, slimming aids and exercise regimes.

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