Fast and Easy Weight Loss Naturally With EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

We all know what to do to lose weight. If only we could eat right and exercise more, the pounds would melt off. But know-how and will-power will never be enough. If you want to reach your ideal weight permanently, you must address the mental aspect; the least talked about topic for weight loss! This is why 95% of dieters return back to their original weight. But you don't have to be one of them.
Do you think there is a shortage of diet pills, programs, or how-to books promising the miracle cure? I didn't think so. I cringe at the commercials for appetite suppressant, fat burning thermogenic pills, and all the other garbage that tricks desperate people who have tried sheer will-power and thought that there was something wrong with them because they couldn't lose weight on their own. These companies prey on discouraged but overweight people because they know that in a moment of despair, you will try anything that give you hope to one day fit back into the skinny jeans you once fit into.
The problem with pills, supplements, and even programs, is that the mental aspect of weight loss is never addressed. They suggest that the answer lies outside of you. Their answer lies in a bottle. That is not where permanent change occurs. The real answer is within you, and has been there all along.

Lasting change happens from the inside out. Deep inside beyond your conscious thoughts; beyond your ability to control your actions, and beyond your will-power. Will power is no competition for your subconscious mind. If you can illicit the help of your powerful subconscious mind, you will find weight loss become effortless.
If you have an unhealthy relationship with food, there is a reason. And it's not because the food tastes so good! (Even though we'd like to think that!) The reason why food consumes your thoughts and makes you feel out of control is because you have an emotional trigger that has programmed you to reach for food.
Eliminate the trigger, eliminate your food addiction.
EFT (emotional freedom technique) is the fastest and easiest technique that I've found for losing weight quickly. It doesn't require any fancy pills, definitely no needles, and best of all- you can do it for free, by yourself. All it takes is a little self-education and self-discovery to find out what drives you to want to eat.
The science behind EFT acknowledges that any emotion is caused by a disruption in the energy system. These negative emotions get lodged and stuck in our energy system and resurface anytime we have a similar experience. With EFT, you are able to tap into the energy system by tapping on the meridian points on your body and remove the blocks, freeing yourself from the emotions of the past.
Let's use stress for example. When I'm stressed, one of my trigger foods is a DQ Blizzard. I will get in my car and drive to the nearest Dairy Queen and not even realize what I'm doing until I'm placing my order. There is comfort in that creamy and cool ice cream that makes me feel calm while I enjoy my treat.
But since ice cream is not a lasting solution to my stress, I immediately feel the stress level increase after I'm done eating. But this time the stress has a heavy layer of guilt on top of it from eating the entire blizzard I promised myself I would only eat half of.
Instead of heading for DQ, I can tap on my meridian points using EFT and eliminate the craving all together.
Here's how I would do it:
Tapping on the side of your hand (karate chop point), say 3 times:
Even though I have this craving for a blizzard because I'm stressed right now, I choose to feel peaceful
Even though I'm stressed and I want to make it go away with a blizzard, I choose to feel calm right now
Even though a blizzard would make my stress go away, I choose to accept this present moment
And then tapping on the meridian points (gently tap 5-7 times and repeat the phrase):
inside of the eye: this crazy craving for a blizzard
side of eye: I want a yummy blizzard right now
under the eye: a blizzard would make me feel better, and I really want to feel better right now
under the nose: I really want a blizzard
on the chin: I crave the creaminess of that blizzard
on the collarbone: a cold, sweet blizzard
on top of the head: I can almost taste it, and I want it now!
Just one round can immediately bring down the craving if you are specific enough. If it comes down just a little bit, but not all the way, try to do another round. Keep tapping until the craving goes away.
Once you master this technique, you will be able to make healthy choices in the present moment instead of allowing the food to control you.
To learn more about EFT, check out my site here: []. You can also learn more about my 1-on-1 personalized coaching, "6-weeks to Slim" here:


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