Free Weight Loss Diet Advice

OK, so you're overweight - perhaps even obese. Maybe this is because of a lifetime of neglecting your health and overeating. Or maybe it's because of a recent trauma that has caused you to start using food as some kind of emotional crutch. Perhaps you had a baby and just haven't been able to shake off the excess baby weight?
So, now is the time to start dieting! Of course there are many, many choices out there and the television, radio, Internet and printed media are all awash with high profile adverts and persuasive "before and after" images of "successful" diets and diet products. Jenny Craig, Atkins, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, Slim-Fast, South Beach...which of these or the multiplicity of other diets should you choose? Maybe even one of the latest celebrity diets such as the Maple Syrup diet (Beyonce's favourite), or the Baby Food diet? And which supplements - the latest Acai berry products, or Hoodia pills, or Alli?...

So much uncertainty! In fact, there are only 2 things that are virtually guaranteed - one is that you will probably spend a lot of money going through any of these diet programs and popping diet supplements. And the other certainty is that they probably won't work. Like so many other overweight people, in a few months time you will probably find yourself poorer and fatter - and looking into yet another expensive and overhyped diet program.
Some free advice
Well here is some free weight loss dieting advice - DONT! Don't diet and don't even think about dieting! Keep your money in your pocket and don't get taken in by the seductive marketing of the diet companies. They can afford the high profile marketing simply because they are making a ton of money from desperate and gullible people who keep buying into the dreams they sell, only to be bitterly disappointed weeks or months - and many dollars - later.
So that's it dear reader, the essential piece of dieting advice - forget about doing it. But what do you do instead? Well the answer is equally simple - just start eating sensibly and take up a good exercise regime. It really is that straightforward! But of course, if it was easy you would have already done it, right? So why isn't it happening, what is the problem...?
Well the problem is that you haven't yet addressed the most important aspect of weight loss - your mental attitude. The truth is that proper, permanent weight loss doesn't require any form of dieting. What is required is a complete lifestyle change which starts with a complete change of mindset. Change your mind and you will start to change your body.
Mike Barrows has written a hard-hitting book revealing the secrets of the diet industry, looking at the growth of obesity around the world and highlighting ways in which you can solve your weight problems, including free weight loss diet information. Pick up a copy of "Big Fat Lies" FREE and learn some amazing facts including the secret of proper, permanent weight loss.

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